Thursday, May 1, 2008

l'été dernier

Exactly one year ago, I left my home for a grand, 3-month adventure in my belovèd France. This past week I have felt the pull of my beaux souvenirs and so I write to perhaps dispell the not-so-small twinge of sadness that I'm not there right now. Basically, I am a sentimental fool that sometimes prefers to savour the past. This is such a moment.

The above picture is the first picture I took of Caen, outside my bedroom window when I first arrived. I remember that first day: Sitting, heartbroken, on a plane, watching The Holiday and bawling my eyes out because I had left someone I dearly loved. Being distracted by the hot French guy across the aisle from me (one of the three hot French guys I saw my whole time there). Arriving in Paris early in the morning, emerging from the escalator onto an "everyday" Paris street. Buying my first official pain au chocolat and Orangina for breakfast. Asking for directions to the Gare St-Lazare. Running to composter (punch) my train ticket and losing my flip-flop in the way, watching it fly underneath a neighboring train. Running half-barefoot to my second-class seat. Feeling bewildered, sweaty, dirty, and a bit sick on the train, surrounded by strangers. Arriving at the Caen train station, looking for Virginie, the one person I had talked to beforehand, not finding her, and waiting. Driving to the Université de Caen and going to my room. Collapsing on my bed and sleeping for several hours. Eating dinner with Virginie's family. Not sleeping all that night.

I remember waking up with a kind of tentative excitement, like a kid on Christmas morning. I threw back the curtain of my room and saw that same view of my new home town. Caen: la ville de Guillaume le Conquérant et la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. The next three months brought many dear friends, beautiful experiences, and personal growth. Though I have a lot to do and look forward to this summer, and though I intend to have beautiful experiences with dear friends and grow personally this summer too, I will most likely still compare it to my incredible été 2007 in Normandy.

*picture of the last sunset I saw in Caen *sniff*

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