Sunday, April 13, 2008

summer book list

I am so looking forward to summer. It will be a welcome change from eight months in school. I'll be taking one class just so I can transition into academic nothingness a little more easily, but I'll also be doing my internship, volunteering, playing with friends, etc. I have much hope for this summer, and one of the things I am most looking forward to is READING FOR PLEASURE!!!

So I am trying to compile a list of books I will read this summer, and I would love your help! If you have a book that you love, that has changed your life, that made you laugh, that made you see yourself or the world in a different way, please tell me! I would especially like to read 20th century fiction, contemporary fiction/non-fiction, and books in French. But I would love any and all suggestions! Here's what I have so far:

My Summer Reading List:

The Glass Castle
Man’s Search for Meaning

The Golden Compass trilogy
Le Scaphandre et le Papillon (if I can find a copy that doesn't cost $130)
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Love's Executioner
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America
The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
The Life of Pi

So please tell me what other books I should read!


lia said...

here are some:
teen vogue summer 2008 issue
pooh's grand adventure
everyone poops by tina macgowel

lia said...

just kidding little westy.

how about:
the history of love by nicole krauss
my name is asher lev by chaim potok
love in the time of cholera by gabriel garcia marquez
the power of now by eckhart tolle
a tree grows in brooklyn by betty smith

just a few to get you started.

lia said...

letters to a young poet by rainer maria rilke