Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm back....

While sitting in class today I got really bored and I needed something more stimulating to do. After deleting email contacts that I didn't want/need anymore, and after looking up how little money I have, I decided to finally do what I've been considering for a few weeks: make another blog.

I used to have a blog, but I deleted all of it a few months ago, which I feel was beneficial since the purpose of the blog itself had become somewhat nebulous and I felt like it was my "Tom Riddle's diary", as if it was somehow possessing my soul. I also made my first blog as part of a bandwagon of friends who created their own blogs, and though it was supposed to be anonymous it never was because a friend helped me create it!

Today it was different. At least I hope so. I'm still trying to figure out what purpose I want this blog to serve. Will it be a mirror for me to see my thinking in? Will it be a way to show off my life to nameless others? Will it simply be a short fling and then become forgotten? I'm still trying to figure this out, but I figure writing something is a good start.

Mostly, I have felt the need from time to time to write something where I could possible have feedback or at least reread what's on my mind in order to figure things out. It's sometimes bizarre to me that people put their deepest feelings out there where anyone could read them, yet I do see value in sharing personal things to some extent because we are all here to learn from one another and one never knows how one's words might help someone else.

The blog title comes from my all-time favorite movie, Thoroughly Modern Millie. At the end of the movie Millie says the vivacious, go-getting Muzzy is "like a squirrel, storing the nuts of life." To me that represents the living of a full life, being open to new experiences and not being afraid to try new things. Life is a potential harvest of experiences and friends, and I am trying to live my life in that way.

So I as a squirrel am searching for those precious acorns that will broaden my experience and enrich my life. This blog will most likely be a log of the things that touch me, make me laugh, and that buzz around inside my head.

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